
Unlocking New Opportunities for Brand Engagement!

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An innovative platform that bridges the gap between brands and engaged consumers. As a brand, you have the unique opportunity to showcase your brand to a captivated audience actively seeking knowledge and interactive experiences.

How does it work?
One captivating question is the answer to which they will find through your brand's link.


Ask a Smart Question

Ask a smart question.



Look for the Answers in the Link

They will lead to the link where the answer is.



Answer the Question

They answer and earn points.


Through rewarding customers for their knowledge and engagement, the Qame establishes a win-win scenario. Customers feel valued for their loyalty, while brands gain enhanced customer retention, advocacy, and deeper audience connections.


Our types of Mini-games

Experience a new level of brand interaction through our innovative mini-games that captivate players while driving valuable leads for your business.


Explore Your Mobile App

Intrigue players with questions that lead them directly to your mobile app. Encourage them to explore its features and functionalities as they search for the answer. This immersive experience creates a direct connection between players and your app, driving increased engagement and usage.


Dive into Your Website

Guide players to uncover the answer on your website, transforming them into active participants in your brand journey. As they navigate through your webpages, they'll be exposed to your brand story, product offerings, and valuable content, fostering a deeper understanding of your brand and increasing the likelihood of conversions.


Discover Your Online Store

Engage players by hiding the answer within your online store. Encourage them to browse your product catalogue, explore different categories, and learn more about your offerings. This interactive experience not only leads them to the answer but also exposes them to a wide range of products, increasing the chances of making a purchase.


Engage with Social Media

Capture players' attention by directing them to your social media platforms. Whether it's a specific post, a video, or a collection of engaging content, players will immerse themselves in your social media presence as they search for the answer. This approach strengthens brand awareness and fosters a sense of community around your brand.


Unveil Your Brand Videos

Elevate your brand's storytelling by incorporating videos into the gameplay. Lead players to watch your brand videos to find the answer they seek. As they engage with your captivating visual content, they'll develop a deeper connection with your brand and its messaging.


Explore PDFs, Brochures, and Catalogues

Deliver an interactive experience by attaching a link to a PDF, brochure, or catalogue within the question. Players will eagerly explore the provided materials, seeking the answer while gaining valuable insights into your brand offerings and solutions.


Visit Your Physical Store (coming soon)

Create an immersive offline experience by challenging players to find the answer within your physical store. By enticing them to visit your store location, you provide an opportunity for them to engage with your products, services, and brand environment firsthand. This personalized experience strengthens brand loyalty and drives foot traffic to your store.

Gain deeper insights into your customers

The Qame dashboard offers a comprehensive perspective of player responses, enabling progress tracking and identification of improvement areas. Customize questions to align with brand messaging and goals for tailored insights.


This data-driven approach empowers brands to refine their marketing strategies, tailor their offerings, and deliver personalized experiences to their customers.



Are you a brand? Contact us!

Yes, I’m interested in sponsoring a game for my brand.